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What is domestic violence?

Domestic violence is when a person tries to control and impose their power over their partner in an intimate relationship. There may be certain signs that you can tell if your relationship is abusive.

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There may be certain signs that you can tell if your relationship is abusive.

There are four categories of abuse, namely physical, sexual, verbal, and emotional. These are interconnected and there are infrequent situations where only one appears.

Physical abuse:

painful blows or touches, such as slapping, biting, shaking, throwing, choking, and restrictions on freedom.

This includes:

  • Being pushed
  • Being hit and slapped.
  • Being beaten with objects.
  • Being stabbed with knives and pieces of glass.
  • Covering your mouth to keep from screaming during physical attacks.
  • Being spat on and dirty.
  • To be severely beaten, to be pulled by the hair.
  • Being beaten and raped while pregnant, being thrown down the stairs while pregnant.
  • Being head-butted against walls and car windows.

Sexual abuse:

any sexual activity that was not consented to by both, which may happen because you were emotionally blackmailed or threatened.

This includes:

  • Being repeatedly raped and beaten: being forcibly undressed and raped; you would be told that it is her duty to have sexual relations with the abuser.
  • Being raped in front of the children.
  • Being violated in special cases of physical vulnerability, for example, right after the birth of a child.
  • Sexual degradation includes the use of graphic and explicit pornography.

Verbal abuse:

words spoken with the aim of hurting or humiliating the other person. It can be about insults, sarcasm, insulting names, criticism, and swearing.

This includes:

  • Making the victim believe they are responsible for the abusive behavior
  • Harsh and persistent remarks that are intended to make the person feel bad about themselves
  • Statements intended to frighten, control and manipulate the other person
  • Abusive, belittling, or insulting language

Emotional abuse:

manipulation, emotional blackmail, distortion of facts and situations in such a way that the abused is found guilty, criticism of the facts, or criticism in front of other people.

This includes:

  • Being humiliated
  • Being constantly criticized
  • Being constantly controlled and monitored through the use of technology: including checking and recording phone use; checking phone connections and reading all messages; abusers use spyware to read emails and secretly install cameras in the home.
  • Threats by the abuser to kill the woman, the children, family members of the woman, or himself, including details of how and where he will do so.
  • Property is destroyed, including cars, furniture, clothes, and the house.
  • Refers to you using offensive language, considers them "a thing", and also uses terms like, "slut".
  • Being cornered because the abuser takes her car keys, drains her gas tank, steals or destroys her phone so she can't seek help.
  • To never be left alone; women can be followed from room to room; they are accompanied to all activities outside the home.




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